Elections and Officers...
If running unopposed, the candidate will become an officer. If running opposed, each candidate must submit a letter, and speak to the team stating the candidate's reason for running and qualifications for the position. A vote will then be taken, and the candidate with the majority of votes will become an officer. A tie between officers results in a re-vote, but with an additional speaking. Each member of the team has one question to ask the officers, and voting is repeated. All official members are eligible to run for a position and cast a vote. Elections will be held at the end of the spring semester. If problems occur, or if an officer graduates in the fall, elections may also be held in the fall.
There will be a president (team captain), vice president (co-captain), secretary, and treasurer. The president must communicate with the club sports director, sign all forms requested by the club sports office, communicate with the coach, attend president meetings, and organize any jobs the club needs done. The vice president should work with the president to organize meetings, collect paperwork, organize social events, attend president meetings, and post flyers at the beginning of the semester. The secretary should attend all meetings, update the club website, e-mail members before the meetings, comprise meeting minutes and post them on the website, keep a copy of the treasurers records, send horseshow results to the club sports director, and make flyers. The treasurer should communicate with the club sports director about the budget, keep track of the budget in his or her own records, make sure all paperwork is filled out for reimbursements, present team financial situation at meetings, come up with fundraising ideas, and reserve a table at the union to sell items if needed. You can contact any of the officers for questions or comments, through information on the contact page of the Binghamton Equestrian website.