Lessons and Showing
Our Coach Veda... The coach of the equestrian team is Veda Tupy. Her e-mail address is Veda@itaskashowstable.com She attends the shows with the team. It is her job to determine a riders ability. Again, all members who wish to show are required to take weekly lessons with the coach. Veda is the owner, operator, and trainer of Itaska Show Stables; also the home of the Binghamton University Equestrian Team.
Lessons... Lessons are scheduled once a week for all members who wish to compete, if you are competing over fences; you must schedule 2. The cost per semester is $325.00 for flat riders a tottal of 13 practices and $550.00 for fences 24 lessons. Payment is due before any one may ride and It is NON-REFUNDABLE for any reason.. Scheduling of the lessons will be done as soon as possible during the beginning of the season. It is vital for both competing members and non-competing members to work with the coach and communicate with her. Paperwork regarding experience in riding years, showing, and horse knowledge will be filled out at the first team meeting. An availability schedule must also be completed by each member and handed in so the officers can work with the coach and barn to schedule team lessons.
Lessons are appointed at a certain time depending on the coache's and the team member's schedules. Members must be ready to ride at the specified time. Carpooling to the stables is available for freshman, or anybody without a car. Team members should arrive at the barn at least 30 minutes before the lesson to have time to groom and tack up the horse.
All tack and equipment is expected to be cleaned and put away. It is possible to bring your own saddle to the lessons. If you have your own saddle, proper padding must be placed on the horse and approved before the lesson. Spurs, crops, or whips must also be approved of usage by the owners of the barn. Before and after each lesson, the horse must be groomed, and hooves picked. Team members are also expected to be able to tack their horse. If a member does not know how to tack, help from the team will be available until the member is able to tack the horse themselves. An extra fee is charged if your horse must be tacked for you. The area where the member gets ready must also be swept and clean. It is also VERY important that the horse being ridden must be COMPLETELY cooled off and cleaned before being put away in their stall.
Showing... There are approximately 8 shows a year (4 shows per semester). The coach will determine the members' ability and decide when a member is ready to compete with the club. Members must let the coach or the president know 4 weeks in advance if they would like to be entered in a show. For show dates please check www.ihsa.com. We are in zone 2 region 3. We compete against other colleges in zone 2 region 3, such as Cornell, Hartwick, Skidmore, Ithaca, Morrisville, Sienna, Colgate, and RPI. If a member enters in a show and for some reason does not go to the show, the member will have to pay the total amount of his or her entry fees. The shows usually run on a Saturday, Sundays are also likely. The team usually leaves the campus around 6:00 am in the morning, so we must meet at least 10-15 minutes before. The team travels in the van provided by Binghamton University club sports. Depending on our showing destination, the team may go back to campus that same day, or plan to stay over night if the college is too far(usually at one location, Skidmore).
Showing in IHSA...
Intercollegiate shows are not like your local home shows. You do not have a choice of what horse you will ride in your class. Before the show begins at the host college, there is a horse drawing. Each team member is randomly paired with the horses provided by the host college. Warming up of the host horses by team members of the host college is done before the major classes. This is the time to watch, and analyze the horse you will be riding. A "horse description" sheet is also available from the host college, to give other hints about what your horse will be like.
Ribbons at the end of each class are given out for placements. Each ribbon has a specific amount of points, and each individual team member must gain a certain amount of points to move up in a division. It is important that you keep track of how many points you have during the season. Writing down the show location and date on the back of the ribbons is a good way to keep track of points. Writing down the horse you rode could also give you a reminder of what the horse you rode was like for future reference. The team secretary will be in charge of keeping track of everyones team points as well.
Rules are involved while showing intercollegiately and the rule book must be downloaded and read from the IHSA website. More general information such as individual scoring, and how the shows work can be found also at the IHSA website (check out our important links page on the Binghamton Equestrian website).
Some new rules and regulations while we are at the show...
Team members riding in all the early classes MUST be dressed and ready to go at least four classes before their class. The same applies to other members...make sure you are dressed, helmet on, jacket on, well before your class so you can stand and cheer on your competing teammates at the time. If you come in the team van you leave in the team van. HEHE!
Equipment must be your own. Everyone on the team is REQUIRED to have their own helmet, jacket, britches (show pants), tall boots, and show gloves. In the past sharing has lead to trouble with disputes over items having been/not having been returned, time constraints, etc.